Friday, July 20, 2007

Hanging on the Mid-Level Rungs of the Corporate Ladder

Yes, some days it definitely feels like I'm 'hanging' there. Technically, I'm a low-level management 'professional;' a company-minded, raise-the-roof 'rah-rah' for the troops. On days like today, I'd prefer being one of troops. Heaven knows they make more $$ than I do, so I'd have to be nuts not to be a bit envious - especially when I'm putting up with B.S. from my so-called "peers."

Once again, I was asked to perform a task I've done a million times, but for some unknown, i.e., stupid, reason the request came through a third party because the requester had no friggin' idea what my specialty happens to be. (Yeah, this is vague... Who the hell knows if my coworkers might stumble onto this blog and then kick my ass for it...) My revenge...? Wrap up the assignment quickly and proficiently, and then throw it in the face of the requester. Yeah, there was a sense of satisfaction in that... "See, dumbass? This IS what I do for a living, so next time flippin' ask me directly, okay?" kinda way.

Keeps everyone happy in the long run, I suppose. But will anything change before it happens again? I haven't the foggiest idea. In the meantime, I'll log today's accomplishment onto my ridiculous 'goals made and met' sheet for review at the end of the year so I can collect my measly 2.5% increase for 2008.

Yes... On days like this, I tend to long for the past... When I wrapped up for the day and that was it. No baggage. No leftovers. Less money, but fewer hassles.

Let's all work to get ahead, kids! Or not.

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